For the first time in 5 years, American automakers are on track to sell 15 million vehicles in 12 months. After the recession hit the industry hard in 2009, new vehicle sales have been slow to recover. But now it seems poised for a boom after a series of strong numbers and data, with some experts saying that the auto industry is now the backbone of our economic recovery. New car and truck sales are already up more than 7% so far this year. Automotive factories all across the country are working at more than 95% capacity as consumer confidence builds and Americans are buying more new vehicles. Ford and Chrysler have already announced shortened summer shutdowns at many North American plants to make up for the extra work. Automakers and part suppliers are looking to hire plenty of new engineers, technicians, and factory workers to help handle the increasing demand.
As volume continues to increase, makers and suppliers will need a new generation of employees to keep up. The Center for Automotive Research estimates 35,000 new workers will be hired before year’s end. According to some experts, 1 in every 4 manufacturing jobs that has been added since 2009 was auto-industry related. Ford also plans to recall 2,000 of its previously laid-off workers in addition to hiring around 3,500 new employees. This positive news shines a light on American manufacturers and gives hope to the unemployed to be a part of the brand new crop of skilled workers.
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